Traveling South for the Winter?

If you are planning on traveling south to warmer temperatures this winter, you may wonder how you should set your thermostat and prepare your home.

by Franklin PUD Public Affairs

Here are some tips to reduce energy use while you’re away.

If you are planning on traveling south to warmer temperatures this winter, you may wonder how you should set your thermostat and prepare your home. Here is some good advice from our Energy Services Department.

First, if you haven’t already, upgrade to a newer thermostat. New thermostats have a feature called “Away Mode”. This setting keeps your system running to maintain a minimal safe temperature. For older thermostats, the best practice is to set the temperature at 55 to 60 degrees. This prevents pipes behind walls or under your house from freezing.

Something you may not think of is adjusting your water heater temperature. Check to see if it has a “Vacation Mode” setting. Switching to this mode lowers the temperature so it’s not working to keep the water hot and using unnecessary energy. Don’t forget to switch it back to its regular setting when you get home!

For gas water heaters, you may be tempted to turn them off completely, but it’s not the best choice. Shutting them off could result in your pilot light needing to be re-lit, which often needs to be done by a professional.

And lastly, the easy stuff! Unplug your appliances and electronics that won’t be in use. Close your blinds and curtains to keep the cold air from leaking in.

We hope our snowbirds have a great winter! See you in the spring.