Media Contact:
Mike Gonzalez, Sr Manager of Public Affairs
The city of Connell, Washington will experience a power outage Monday June 15th 2020 from 10 p.m. until 6 a.m. due to a BPA power pole replacement.
Franklin PUD is asking our media partners to please get the word out on their news programs, social media platforms and websites for the safety of citizens.
Those with medical conditions, special medical devices or specific medical needs should be aware the outage will last about 8 hours. This routine maintenance is part of the Bonneville Power Administration’s efforts to continually upgrade their infrastructure so the citizens of Franklin County can have reliable power for years to come.
“We realize a power outage never comes at a convenient time for our customers. So we’re trying to ease the pain as much as possible. BPA plans pole swaps years in advance for the safety of our customers. This has been a joint effort with Franklin PUD, the city of Connell and BPA to get the word out. We really appreciate everyone’s patience with this,” said Mike Gonzalez, Sr. Public Affairs Manager with Franklin PUD.
The towns of Kahlotus and Mesa will not be affected by the outage. If you have any questions during the power outage, please reach out to Mike Gonzalez at 509-380-8239 or
If you’re having a medical emergency, please dial 911 or Connell Police at 509-234-4141.