Money Available To Franklin County Businesses

Franklin County Commissioners have designated $600,000 to provide financial assistance...

by Franklin PUD Public Affairs

Franklin County Commissioners have designated $600,000 to provide financial assistance to businesses and non-profits located in Franklin County that have been adversely affected due to COVID-19.

Funded by the CARES ACT, the Franklin County Rapid Response Grant Program is a collaborative effort to provide grants up to $25,000 to as many small businesses in Franklin County as possible. These supplemental funds are designed to help the most vulnerable businesses continue to meet their financial and operating needs as they get through this pandemic. These funds cannot cover all expenses but are intended to bridge the most immediate financial needs. Applications open on October 20, 2020 and will close at 11:59 pm on November 20, 2020. All eligible applications are reviewed in the order they were received and evaluated based on greatest need. Funding will be awarded on a first come-first served basis until all funds are exhausted.