Medical Alert Designation Forms – Be Prepared

If someone in your home needs life support equipment, be sure to let us know!

by Franklin PUD Public Affairs

If you, or someone in your household requires electricity for life support medical equipment, please make sure we have a Request for Medical Alert Designation on file. The form can be found on our website, listed under Programs & Services. Once the form, including the Medical Certification, is completed in full and returned to Customer Service, we will make a reasonable effort to notify the household of any planned electrical outages.  

Although we can’t guarantee electricity 24/7, we have a pretty great reliability rating of 99.99%. Power outages due to weather, fires, or damaged equipment can happen at any time. Therefore, customers are responsible for maintaining sufficient battery back-up or alternative power. Please see our entire explanation of customer responsibilities in our Rules and Regulations for Electric Service, Section 3: Customer Responsibilities, Part B: Life Support Systems.